During a special variety show titled “Naobou’s Summer Vacation with Yumiri and Tane” that was recently streamed on YouTube, Nao Toyama announced that she will be singing the ending theme of Isekai Shokudo (Restaurant to Another World) season 2, which will begin airing in Japan in October 2021. The song, titled “Samenai Maho,” will also be released as a single on November 3!
Since her debut, Nao Toyama has played the heroine in numerous popular anime. Last year, in 2020, she celebrated her 10th anniversary as a voice actress and released a character song best album titled “Special Thanks.” This year, her fifth as an artist, she released a mini concept album titled “off” on the theme of rest and healing, which ranked 4th on the Oricon Weekly Ranking.
“Samenai Maho” will be released in three formats: a first run limited edition, a special anime edition with a DVD, and a regular edition.
The first run limited edition comes with a Blu-ray disc with a full recording of Ouchi de Naobou! Minna de Off-Kai, a YouTube concert held to commemorate the release of her mini concept album “off” in June. This will also include previously unreleased footage of her singing “Sayonara Moratorium” and “Kimi no Egao ni Koishiteru.” The booklet will include the names of those who supported Ouchi de Naobou! Minna de Off-Kai with Super Chat/Super Stickers, as well as newly taken photos.
The bonus DVD with the anime edition contains the entire episode of Naobou’s Summer Vacation with Yumiri and Tane that was broadcast on August 14, including unreleased footage. The cover of the anime edition will be a special collaboration illustration of Nao Toyama tucking into a meal at Yoshoku no Nekoya, a restaurant in Isekai Shokudo season 2.
Together with information about the upcoming single, Nao Toyama has also released a new artist photo. This photo depicts a cozy scene of Nao Toyama sitting in a restaurant, so please check it out.
CD tracks:
Samenai Maho
Lyrics/Composition: RIRIKO, Arrangement: Tomohiro Nakatsuchi
New song
New song
Instrumental versions
First Run Limited Edition extras:
- YouTube concert Ouchi de Naobou! Minna de Off-Kai
- Previously unreleased footage of “Sayonara Moratorium” and “Kimi no Egao ni Koishiteru”
Booklet with new photos and names of Super Chat/Super Sticker supporters
Anime Special Edition with DVD extras:
- Naobou’s Summer Vacation with Yumiri and Tane
Starring: Nao Toyama, Yumiri Hanamori, Atsumi Tanezaki
Isekai Shokudo season 2 x Nao Toyama collaboration illustration
Source: Press Release