Video Game Guide Writer Application

Video Game Guide Writer Application

    We are looking for an individual/s who can create guides for the following games, as well as upcoming titles. If you would like to write a guide for a game that isn't listed, please still apply. This a freelancing gig and will be paid a rate per the rates listed below.

    Types of guides we're looking for!

    Beginning guides - How to start playing a game and getting familiar with it. An example of this would be our "Mortal Shell Tips – Let Us Help You Stay Alive" guide.

    Advanced guides - How to start doing more advanced things in-game. An example of this would be our "How To Play As Zangetsu In BloodStained: Ritual Of The Night" guide.

    How-to Guides - Guides that explain how to do something specific, not specific to any game, and can be related to anything. An example of this would be our "How To Transfer Your PS4 Games To The PS5 Over A Network" guide.

    If you would like to write a guide for a game that isn't listed, please still apply.

    What is your name?

    Please provide your email address:

    Is English your primary language?

    Are you older than 18 years of age?

    Which country/state you do reside in?

    Do you have any social media accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc)? If so, please list them. Otherwise, answer no.

    Do you have any experience working with Wordpress CMS?

    Which games would you be interested in writing guides for? One per line.

    Do you agree with our rates?

    Please provide a copy of your cover letter, resume, and writing samples related to gaming. (txt,docs,pdfs accepted)

    Have you completed your application to the fullest of your ability? There's no going back once you click submit!