Are you ready for some Watchdog DLC? No? Well you’re getting it anyway. Introducing Watchdogs: Bad Blood, where you play as T-Bone as he wages all types of hell against the Blume Corporation in a brand new single player campaign. The DLC will be available on September 23rd for everyone who picked up the Watchdogs Season Pass and September 30th for everyone else, though they haven’t announced a price for the DLC if you didn’t already have the Season Pass.
Watchdogs get it’s first DLC in the form of Bad Blood
Keith Mitchell
Keith has been a fan of geek culture and video games ever since his father gifted him his first gaming console many decades ago and has used this love of for the genres to start The Outerhaven. Keith keeps follows on the ongoings of videogames, anime, comics and technology, and while he has been writing about these topics for the past 14 years, he has been a gamer and tech guy for 30 years.