The Mighty No.9 hype train just keeps chugging along, this time it seems it picked up a new passenger as well. Takashi Tateishi, composed for Mega Man 2, is now on board with the Mighty No.9 team. So now that’s two original Mega Man composers as he joins with fellow composer, Manami Matsumae. Can you imagine how good the Mighty No.9 soundtrack is going to sound? It’s going to be a musical orgy for our ears and I can’t wait!
Mega Man 2 composer is on board for Mighty No.9
Keith Mitchell
Keith has been a fan of geek culture and video games ever since his father gifted him his first gaming console many decades ago and has used this love of for the genres to start The Outerhaven. Keith keeps follows on the ongoings of videogames, anime, comics and technology, and while he has been writing about these topics for the past 14 years, he has been a gamer and tech guy for 30 years.